Questions and Answers
Question: What is the object of the game?
Answer: The object of the game is not to get a Task. A Task can be a project, favor, item, chore, assignment, etc., to be performed anytime after the game has ended.
Question: What age is recommended to play?
Answer: The recommended age of players is from 13 through adult. As the word "recommended" implies, a player's interest should be considered.
Question: How many players can play?
Answer: As little as two players or as many as 8. More players can play when you set up teams with one representative.
Question: How long can the playing last?
Answer: Players can decide how many times everyone can complete each round on the board. It can be one round or as many as decided. We recommend four rounds as an average which can usually last about 1 to 1-1/2 hours.
Question: How does the game end?
Answer: The game has ended when only one player is left on the board.
Question: What is a "Signature Series"?
Answer: "Signature Series" are games signed by the inventor on a sticker with a serial number. They are usually placed on the inside of the box cover. Signature Series stickers are given with early games or by special request.
Question: How can I become a part of the game?
Answer: When playing the game, you will become familiar with the four types of playing cards; Questions, Zany, Personal Experience, and Tasks. If you post a sentence about one of these cards and think we can use it in the game, you may forward it to us for examination. Should we accept it, we will put it in our future games and send you an email and the card. We will also send
you a proof certificate, all free of charge. Our website and instructions booklet are ways you can find out how to enter your sentence. To see more, go to Fame to Game page.
Question: Where can I purchase a Who Knows Who board game?
Answer: You can purchase your board game right here on our website, which is the best price found anywhere. Any other retail store will have to increase their price accordingly.
Question: Are games planned by the inventor in the future?
Answer: Not at this time, but the inventor has inspired ideas. Keeping up with the game with additional card sets and our "Fame to Game" menu has kept him busy.
Question: What is the best seating arrangement when playing as couples or teams?
Answer: Alternating or mixing players around the board is best for better game unification. Separating players, such as couples, friends, and teams, places them in a better suitable position. As teams with only one representative of a team, the same applies.
Question: Is it essential to use the three-minute timer?
Answer: The three-minute hourglass timer is needed to keep the game flowing reasonably. The timer does not have to be used if more time is needed. Players should agree when the timer is not suitable.